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Bald spots are one of the most dreaded hair problems of many. It can happen to anyone: male or female. As much as age is a risk factor, other things may cause premature balding, especially for men. So what causes bald spots on your head? In this post, we will discuss the possible reasons behind the balding, what you can do about it, and other useful information.
Common types of bald spots

Bald spots can be due to a lot of things. Our scalp and hair are very sensitive, and continuous exposure to a variety of irritants can lead to this unfortunate problem.
Take note that bald spots can happen all over your body. Some people experience full-body hair loss, which is associated with radiation or a severe health problem.
*Bald spots on your head
Circular bald spots can be coin-sized or even larger. This is the most common type of hair loss to affect the scalp. Still, it can happen to eyebrows and beards, as well. Usually, the scalp will feel itchy, especially before the hair falls.
*Thinning of the top
Thinning at the top of your head hair is probably the most common. It affects both men and women, especially as they grow older. For men, this type of hair loss starts at the sides of the forehead, making a letter ‘M’ shape on the hairline. For women, the thinning usually manifests on the parting of the hair.
*Patches and scaling at the scalp
Another type of bald spot is caused by ringworms. This is usually accompanied by itching, swelling, redness, and broken hair. This has to be treated right away to prevent your scalp from losing more hair.
*Sudden hair loss
This is quite unusual, but it can happen to people who have experienced intense emotional shock. When this happens, handfuls of hair will come off, usually while showering. Usually, this results in thinning and not prominent bald patches.
What causes bald spots on your head?
Hair loss is a widespread problem, and it’s also due to a myriad of reasons. All of it requires immediate medical attention. The following are some of the common and known causes of bald spots:
*Genetic probability
If your family members have a history of balding, then you shouldn’t be surprised if you noticed a thinning of your mane. Male-pattern baldness is widely occurring; even the Royal Family of the United Kingdom is suffering from it.
This hereditary condition can start manifesting by the age of 30 and goes worse as the person gets old. It can either occur through a receding hairline or balding at the top of the head.
*Medical conditions
Medical conditions can also trigger hair loss. The most common here is alopecia areata. This condition can lead to temporary or permanent hair loss, depending on the extent of the condition.
Many factors can trigger alopecia areata. Some of the most common are menopause, childbirth, pregnancy, thyroid problems, and more. The condition develops when your immune system attacks the hair follicles of your scalp.
Another medical condition that can lead to bald spots or general hair loss is alopecia universalis. It’s a type of alopecia areata that causes bald patches. Over time, it can also develop to alopecia totalis or the total loss of hair on the scalp.
Unfortunately, there’s no known cure for alopecia areata. Still, dermatologists can prescribe topical and oral medications to speed up the growth of your hair.
Also, reducing stress and avoiding hair products will prevent hair loss from worsening.
*Radiation therapy
If you are undergoing radiation therapy, expect that hair loss will ensue. This is the same reason why cancer patients lose their hair, especially if the therapy is done near or on the head area. It can cause bald patches or total hair loss.
Unfortunately, the hair may not grow back if the radiation kills your hair follicles. If ever the hair grows back, it will not bear the same quality as before.
*Hormonal imbalances
Individuals with thyroid problems stand the chance of increased hair loss. This can lead to bald patches. Usually, if the cause of hormonal imbalance is cured, the hair will stop falling out. The key here is early diagnosis and treatment.
*Stressful events
People who have been exposed to continuous stressful events can experience balding too. Work, personal life, and other stressful events will weaken a person’s immune system, making them prone to potential hair loss.
Also, if you are exposed to months of emotional stress, you will experience temporary hair loss. This should subside once you de-stress.
*Hair treatments
Hair loss due to hair treatments is on the rise. Due to online shopping, hair products become accessible to get. This is why many women are suffering from hair loss. If the product you’re using isn’t regulated and contains harsh chemicals, it can cause irreparable damage to your hair.
Men can also suffer from balding due to hair products. Pomades, gel, and sprays can irritate your scalp and cause hair breakage or hair fall.
Aside from hair treatments, various hairstyles can trigger balding as well. Tight ponytails or pigtails will pull the hair out of the follicles.
Risk factors on having bald spots
Several factors will increase your susceptibility to bald spots. The following are some of these factors:
Older adults are more likely to lose hair due to the aging of hair follicles. Still, young people can experience bald spots if they have other risk factors.
*Stress level
Like we mentioned earlier, stress increases the risk of hair fall. If you’re always busy at work and exposed to an emotional burden, your immune system is compromised.
*Family history
If your parents, grandparents, and relatives have pattern baldness, there’s a chance that you also carry the same genes. If so, this is inevitable, and the onset of baldness will set in once you reach your mid-30s. Also, there’s no cure to pattern baldness.
Significant weight loss can also trigger hair loss. So if you’re planning to lose some pounds, it’s best to do it slowly so your immune system won’t be compromised.
What can do you about bald spots?

Bald spots are daunting. Some conditions don’t have a cure, while others can be addressed and treated early on. Regardless of your condition, you can do the following tips:
*Consult with a dermatologist
Hair loss can be prevented or treated. You only have to consult with a dermatologist so the doctor can identify what’s causing the balding. The earlier you consult with a medical expert, the higher the chance that your balding can be cured.
Dermatologists can help in growing your hair back. The doctor will also prescribe medications and treatments that you can use at home.
Moreover, you should never self-medicate bald spots. In the long run, you might worsen the problem. Although consulting with a medical professional costs a fee, it will save your hair from total loss.
*Stop using hair products
If you notice an increased hair loss while using a new hair product, stop it right away and rinse our hair with water. There’s a possibility that the product contains harsh chemicals that damages your hair.
After that, go to a dermatologist right away. This is to remove any remnants of the product and to apply the necessary treatments.
If you’re always stressed, take some days off to relax. Allow your immune system to recover and for your hair to be free from any products. Although stress is unavoidable, try to take short breaks so you wouldn’t be pushing yourself to the limits.
*Consider shaving it thin
If you’re a man and your balding is beyond recovery, you can consider shaving it into a close buzz cut. This way, the remaining of your hair will not highlight the balding, and you no longer have to worry about styling. Just take a look at Jason Statham; you wouldn’t even notice the balding.
If you decide for a close shave, you can use one of our recommended buzz cut clippers here!
*Dry your hair using hot air
If cutting it short isn’t an option, you can trick the eyes by drying your hair with a blower in a hot setting. Unlike air drying, hot air drying will lift and separate the strands. This gives your hair more volume, which helps in hiding the bald spots.
How to prevent bald spots
If your locks are still thick and intact, consider yourself lucky. Here are some of the things you can do to prevent potential bald spots:
*Don’t use abrasive hair products
Many individuals fall prey to false advertising of products claiming to make hair lustrous and straight within days. There’s a chance that these unregulated products contain high levels of toxic chemicals that will damage your hair. As much as possible, don’t resort to these solutions.
*Avoid tying your hair too tight
Are you a fan of Ariana Grande-type of ponytails? It might be time to consider other hairstyles. High and tight ponytails pull your hair from the scalp, which leads to brittleness and breakage.
*Quit smoking
Some studies associate smoking to hair loss among men. So if you’re experiencing thinning of your hair, it will help to quit smoking before you develop bad spots.
*Don’t pull or twist your hair
Many people have the habit of pulling their hair when they get stressed. Others twist their hair incessantly when feeling nervous. When done for a long time, these habits will lead to bald spots. It will also make your hair brittle and prone to breakage.
*Limit the use of hot irons and rollers
For women, try to reduce your usage of hot rollers and irons when styling. The extreme heat coming from these tools make your hair brittle. Paired with the pulling motion, it can lead to thinning and balding.
Final words
So what causes bald spots on your head? There can be a lot of reasons behind the problem of your crowning glory, but some of it can be treated. The moment you noticed thinning on certain areas of your head, it’s best to consult with a doctor right away. Also, quit all your hair products and let your hair grow back. What do you think of our tips here? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section!